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United Development Company

United Development Company (UDC) established in 1999, is a leading Qatari public shareholding company with a mission to identify and invest in long-term projects contributing to Qatar’s growth and providing good shareholder value.
Compare United Development Company's sustainability performance



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N/A : Not Applicable
  2023 2022 2021 2020

Does the company publish and follow an environmental policy? Yes/No

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Energy used (GJ/employee) Annual total direct energy consumption per employee

24 1,079 1,769 N / A

Specify the primary source of energy used by the company

2,310,025 90,591,381 255,575,191

Total amount of energy used (GJ)

8,317 326,129 920,070 N / A

Total greenhouse gas emissions (tonnes)

34,512 32,341 74,127 N / A

Total waste produced (kg)

13,270 351,130 447,811 N / A

Total water use (m3)

2,621 179,057 104,901 N / A

Average hours of training per employee

6 8 12 N / A

Disclosure and adherence to a Human Rights Policy? Yes/No

  Yes Yes Yes

Does the company prohibit the use of child or forced labor throughout the supply chain? Yes/No

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Does the company publish and follow a policy for occupational and global health issues? Yes/No

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Employee turnover rate (%)

9 9 5 N / A

Employee wages & benefits


Nationalisation rate (%)

50 50 49 17

Number of grievances about human rights issues filed, addressed and resolved

0 0 0 0

Pre-tax profits invested in the community (%)

1 1 1 N / A

Spending on locally-based suppliers (%)

99 99 87 N / A

Total number of injuries and fatal accidents (contractors)

0 2 2 N / A

Total number of injuries and fatal accidents (employees and contractors)

0 2 2 N / A

Total number of injuries and fatal accidents (employees)

0 0 0 0

Total workforce (FTE)

131 417 551 N / A

Women in the workforce (%)

27 28 24 20
Corporate Governance

CEO pay ratio

N / A N / A N / A N / A

Disclosure of the voting results of the latest AGM. Yes/No

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Does the company publish and follow a Bribery/Anti-Corruption Code? Yes/No

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Does the company publish and follow an Ethics Code of Conduct? Yes/No

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Executive compensation linked to performance indicators. Yes/No

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Female directors on the board (%)

0 0 0 N / A

Independent directors on the board (%)

44 44 44 N / A

Median male salary to median female salary

2 2 2  

Role separation of Chairman and CEO. Yes/No

Yes Yes Yes  

Sustainability report published. Yes/No

Yes Yes Yes N / A