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Doha Insurance Company - (DOHI)

Doha Insurance Company Q.S.C is a Qatari shareholding company registered an incorporated in the state of Qatar in 1999, listed on Qatar Exchange, and is engaged in the business of insurance and re-insurance. The Company was formed in response to the need for growth in the insurance industry, warranted by unprecedented accelerated economic expansion in Qatar as well as the enactment of laws encouraging investments. During 2006, the Company established an Islamic Takaful branch under the brand name " Doha Takaful " to carry out insurance and reinsurance activities in accordance with Islamic Sharia principles on a non-usury basis in all areas of insurance.
Reporting Year:
Corporate Governance

Doha Insurance


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  2023 2022 2021 2020

Does the company publish and follow an environmental policy? Yes/No


Energy used (GJ/employee) Annual total direct energy consumption per employee


Specify the primary source of energy used by the company


Total amount of energy used (GJ)


Total greenhouse gas emissions (tonnes)


Total waste produced (kg)


Total water use (m3)


Average hours of training per employee


Disclosure and adherence to a Human Rights Policy? Yes/No


Does the company prohibit the use of child or forced labor throughout the supply chain? Yes/No


Does the company publish and follow a policy for occupational and global health issues? Yes/No


Employee turnover rate (%)


Employee wages & benefits


Nationalisation rate (%)


Number of grievances about human rights issues filed, addressed and resolved


Pre-tax profits invested in the community (%)


Spending on locally-based suppliers (%)


Total number of injuries and fatal accidents (contractors)


Total number of injuries and fatal accidents (employees and contractors)


Total number of injuries and fatal accidents (employees)


Total workforce (FTE)


Women in the workforce (%)

Corporate Governance

CEO pay ratio


Disclosure of the voting results of the latest AGM. Yes/No


Does the company publish and follow a Bribery/Anti-Corruption Code? Yes/No


Does the company publish and follow an Ethics Code of Conduct? Yes/No


Executive compensation linked to performance indicators. Yes/No


Female directors on the board (%)


Independent directors on the board (%)


Median male salary to median female salary


Role separation of Chairman and CEO. Yes/No


Sustainability report published. Yes/No